Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Problem With Horror

You know, I've been going through what one might call a "creative drought" over the past couple of months.

Nah, I'm just as creative as I always have been. But I feel like anything I work on won't be reciprocated. Like, you can work on something and all you get is a shrug. What was once time spent working on an amazing thing just feels like another thing on the shelf.

I also feel like I can't just make things anymore. Everything that comes out nowadays has to be part of some larger organization. You can't just make a film, you have to be on some political crusade.

It would be okay if it happened organically. You made a movie about chemicals in a preschool drinking fountain, and it morphs into this larger movement. But I don't think pop stars should turn a single that's supposed to be in the club into some false moral movement that they pay lip service to without doing a damn thing about the actual problem.

Even in the creation of a horror movie, society wants you to be this goth type of thing. And they want you to make some screamo comments at conventions, and say things like "horror is my life".

When did this become a lifestyle?

And even then, I'm not asking filmmaking to be your religion, I am asking you to finish your screenplay.

It seems as though the quality of horror films have faced a decline following this need to adopt this faux lifestyle.

Think of best films in the horror genre. Now, think about the directors who made them. Were they covered in body modifications?

Hell, let's name a film made with someone with body modifications. The number is slim. Rob Zombie doesn't count, he was a musician first. He had a career that investors felt secure about.

Honestly though, if you have an entire body's worth of horror movie tattoos, you officially cannot complain about the budget of your film ever again. Cause you clearly do not know how to spend your money. How am I supposed to get investors with Freddy Krueger tattooed on my face?

It makes no sense.

Frankly, I think this new oddity commodity culture is destroying the ability for an artist to focus. That's not including the idiot organizations who have nothing else better to do but complain about how much something you've worked on "offended them". We get it, you're a recovering alcoholic with too much time on your hands, and now your blaming us for all the things that make you feel miserable in your life.

Now, maybe I'm being a hater, but I'm pretty sure David Lynch's films present a fear that no body modification can express. But that's just me.

Then of course, we are now in this endless slow news day created by a million idiots on social media who need something to talk about.

Nirvana would not be able to happen in this current Internet cultural climate. One of Kurt Cobain's publicists would force Kurt Cobain to apologize for talking smack about Axl Rose. Music executives would scramble to do damage control as Cobain lost thousands of followers after engaging in crazy rock star behavior. His manager would also make him sing with Rihanna at some award show.

Ozzy Osbourne would anger both conservatives and animal rights activists.

We went from freely being rebellious to being a miniature tyrant on ourselves. Sid Vicious would be confused.

How are we both annoying and inoffensive?

What is this bizarro place?

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